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The Express Workout Program

  • 7 Days
  • 7 passos
Tothom que hagi realitzat tots els passos obtindrà una insígnia quan acabi el programa.

Quant a

No time? No problem. This workout program features a week’s worth of workouts, all less than 15 minutes long. Squeeze them in during your lunch break and do them almost anywhere. Equipment required: Sturdy bed or chair, Kettlebell (optional)

També pots unir-te al programa des de l'app mòbil. Ves a l'app


Pagament únic
2.900,00 USD
50.000,00 USD

Debat grupal

Aquest programa està connectat a un grup. Se t'hi afegirà un cop t'uneixis al programa.



Private2 Members


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