7.95 billion people ÷ 2 = 3.97 billion folks. The total population is easy to divide, because people need recognition in order to survive once my fitness program creates synapses in their mind. Selling fitness to people is more likely to happen now that mental fitness took over, but physical activity creates a better life, whether you are homeless, in prison, or working. 7,950,000,000 people ÷ 6,000 job seekers = 1,325,000 people per job seeker. 6,000 employees shall market to their slice of the pie, and their bond will grow, because t = time. 6,000t = 1,325,000, is a mule for success in the One World Government. I want t to equal the number of years that I spend on projects, so I have to get t by itself to equal the exact amount of time needed.
Updated: Aug 5
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