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Brand Positioning

Updated: Jul 23

I want my brand to stand out and I want my logo to pop, but both are not the same thing. My logo stands for my brand and my personality generally operates the creative side of my business. I want to influence the perception in the mind of my audience, so Work For Me Only Now, the brand is first place in the mind of consumers. My logo is not Work For Me Only Now, but it it is a symbol design to identify my products. The battle for their mind makes me dislodge my competitors who may be first place brands in the consumer's mind, and not back down. Car brands are Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Chevrolet, and Honda. Cereal brands are Apple Jacks, Kashi Cereal, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, and Chex Cereal. Gum brands are Big League Chew, Trident, Bubble Yum Bubble Gum, and Doublemint. My goal now is to be first place in the mind of the consumer's by strategically marketing at my competitors. This will dislodge them, so I can get my point across to the consumer. I now strategically use my logo and website to refer to pilates only, because fit for life is a brand positioning statement. As I build this position in their heads, I feel less adequate, because I'm more advanced. My plan is to place those common brands underneath my brand, so I can get more sales, revenue, and profits. I want to be first in the consumer's mind, and I want to establish some fitness operating, and not just a few sales to myself here there. Which competitor is most likely to fall by my brand positioning statement, slogan, or logo? Marketing is tactical and social media is a place where my pilates reign's in people's product positions. We are pilates, but we don't take a back seat to bad drivers, so the online brands must be all around me in terms of different pilates out there. Maybe someone can't reckon with other brands, so Work For Me Only Now Pilates, generally, can't be second or get out of first place. I don't want to be the best, but I want to be first place, and the others to be second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. My analysis leads me to market to my niche. My niche is something that I'm naturally good at or skilled at. I generally have skills in writing and portfolio management, and my target audience is the wealthy, so I feel like I reckon positioning in the battle of the mind. I'm constantly using tools at work to enhance my credibility, but now I have a genius marketing plan. I want to associate with any competitors, if I don't match up with their numbers. Of course I'm not as big, because I don't have over one employee, but large companies lack having just one employee. Brand Positioning is under the category of marketing, and my target audience is 25-50 years of age. By skillfully managing my brand, I will keep my brand in that number one ranking. My goal is not second place by association, so this will help clients with marketing strategy. My offer is Pilates by discovery online, and if I reduce costs, then I will increase buyer value, so now I have a full fledged analysis. Direct marketing to my target audience and to my competitors is a private plan. I'll use subliminal messages to exit the big brands, as another marketing strategy.

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