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Updated: Jan 10

Martial arts have been so influential to me, God made no such item who haven't had faith to fight. Actually a mode of self defense when I'm writing a lot, because nails slip through the hammer. Luck is major here, because rain never made it's way to me. This is a sport, connecting two parties, but will I reply when they come out of the closet? Go to the one or more people in your life, because they'll see what you've learned here. If they hang out, because you kickbox, then you're only lucky. Luck is what will be, because of the homeless crisis. I don't see well enough to take kickboxing, because I'm trying an old writing bluff again. If The sport were more popular, then it would be proud like boxing or the UFC, because I am least likely to anything on the planet. I like hard accomplishments, because people get mysterious later in life. Most fights end on the ground, so BJJ and Olympic style wrestling are staying, because stand up fighting ends wars. If you don't want to fight then, convince someone of that, because luck is on your side. Increasing the odds is the secret, because chances to winning are increased there, solidified. No one generally backs down, but surrenders, because evil and good are synonymous with climbing. Climbing out of debt with one or more can open the door for conversation, because lovers need quarrel to keep the pace. The foot is a dangerous boulder launched at an opponent, because trying out adversity makes sense. Matchups are readily available, because we need to live by them. Unfortunately, beings don't become unlucky if the tide turns, because leaders are mistook to be good fighters. Not everyone demands food or water, because we take turns fighting each other. We don't give up no matter what, because I haven't seen fighting often. We're here to fight, because laws are broken every day. Some change the law to fit their fancy, because wins and losses make a person. Physical altercations generally are abusive in nature, because people are well within their right to try to die on death row. A guy looking for that won't have any mercy, because the prospects look brighter in death. If the person dies in the altercation, the chances of unlikely survivor, retelling the story is zero, because of spoils. The art of disguising danger is in writing, because athletic prowess in organized sports was the norm, but dying is the ultimate grief. Write a journal on multiple kicking, because authors publish their work when possible. Having done all at writing may be the ultimate kick in the shin this week. The end writing can't do without striking, because wrestlers and BJJ artists are sucker punched if they are decent. It's hard to come back from a knockout. Are you ready to describe how the body twists and turns in a fight? I am ready to verbally describe what confrontation I'm going to get in. There is a better way to writing, but has anyone discovered it? Territory is won with battle against another force of good, because sometimes the evil wear a good mask in a fight. Mental fatigue is real, because we don't get how much everything has prayed to kill everyone in existence. One day, a large rock from heaven will kill predator and prey together, because the people have it wrong again. I'm looking for some cataclysmic event to kill off the beast, because I've seen an asteroid up close. K2 is a nickname for a giant life ending rock that impossibilities get crushed by. Not everyone is ready for war, because I have switched tactics in 3.

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