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Modern Senior Woman

Updated: Jan 10

This is for my parents, because up to date is warning them here so they don't lose face in the media eventually. We are rare enough, because I want to know if my parents are modern or not? I need to know, because no one is going to give you anything else. Why do I have to take care of my parents, because there are many reasons involved. The coffee, phone, and laptop computer represent the modern senior woman, because time has been granted to her or very lucky. I say very lucky, because of theory of extinction like the crater in the Gulf of Mexico, that killed the mega fauna. I believe in luck, because freedom is K29 that wipes out predator and prey alike. No visitors welcome kind of splash party, because I saw it. It's hard to gauge how close it was to me, because it was in our atmosphere. It was right in the Valley in So Cal. When both animals are gone, you and I, the microbes within us will balance the budget within. After many threats, she is still in charge of her destiny, because rare waking up to discover welfare of equals enemies obliterated with myself included, since they were too many for Cal Cal, her nick name. Originating in Korea from debt is a Victor's splash on a rock, because bolder people than I are squished in such ways. This is in correlation to modern warfare, because 3 has tons of seniors balling, again. They used to ball back in the day, because of tons of mountain top criticism, not being buck off at an old age. The young lady was stifled by the woman here, because age is sure of seniority. A posture of neglect that manifests within by using the law properly with affirmations daily in cohort to suffering. The young lady trembles at K2, because of unequal playing field by asteroids generally. Smiling is rarer than I thought, because the riot and I were squished by it already.Ukraine so what is consistent enough to look off General Putin. Prague is a witness, because bad things happen to those who pray for bad things to happen, maybe. All of us + acceptance of our obliteration = Radical Conformity. I bet that I won't see it differently, because I'm older than criticism already. Better articles refute my end studies, but nothing else. Dino end studies also obliterated in the prospect of recognition, because I want to live, but under suspicion though of creating a natural disaster. Every senior thing is tentative for the most part. Tons of infrastructure has been elaborated. So many people have done it before. So much violence has taken place today and historical wise, Shelly is drawn up undefeated at all times, so it has to be structure of labor that briefs Zone ideas to them. As the seniors get zone ideas to marvel, they can grasp the unfortunate circumstance. My feather has attacked our President albeit promising. They get scarce when the are relinquished somehow.

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