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Packing For Vacation

Updated: Jan 10

I believe destiny is forth right with in us, because nature gets the eye from God. Nature really does look at the weak in Congress, because they want to stand tall against anything. Unfortunately, waves are disastrous on the human torso, because yelling and screaming isn't packing for vacation. The power to take life away is what nature has, because it rules my foes deeper than I can. Power to what is pretty straight forward, because tornados are scheduled to ruin more lives. Those who inflicted the death penalty were devastated, because the land slide buried their cries for ironic help. The irony thickens, because they were so mean, and we feel like justice was served on justices. Why mess with them when I can praise the universe for stopping thee. The natural disaster will strike you, but I won't, because trying not to is half the battle. The wall of fire will rip through what God did do, because I'm sticking to my story. People are defeated by the weather all the time, because writing gets me up and ready to go to work right away. Unfortunately the giant boulder fell on the back biting party, because I put my faith in this kind of fighting. Not a peep from a tornado, because ripping through a town of 500 or more is likely to be absolved from guilt. The flood covered the foundation on which people were built, because they couldn't swim in hind sight. Hind sight is 20/20, because people are defeated all the time. A fire ball consumes the trouble at once when trouble too close to fire ball, because a fight broke out. A natural disaster will fix any human, because I testify that it comes anyway. We won't pray, because of traitors, because the thing will take all. When it does take all, the rest of the marshes will soak up behavior, because nature wins again. All excuses are diminished, because the weather doesn't favor us. The natural disaster will take us all, because it read that to me. After it takes us, we'll be the trash. I don't know of any time, because we will be devoured easily. Packing for vacation right? We will be tortured, because it gets the nerves right. We will be forgotten, because nature has it's cure. We will be toppled, because of centrifical force. We will be slaughtered, because of extreme weather. No room for neglect, because the planet shrinks when we are gone. Vacations shmacations, because pot holes will take us over real soon. It will be stronger than us, because I haven't met a teacher's pet. No preparation is needed, because we won't recover. Whatever the disaster doesn't spare will be haughty, because of death magnificent. It will kill us, because not one can't do all of us. We live off of being surprised that we aren't dead, because soon we will be. Covering us in ash and brimstone is registered, because people make no errors unto disaster also. The centrifical force is nature defeating nurture, because it inflamed a bunch already. Eggs shmeggs, because this nature is jealous, because we haven't chosen God. Nature above nurture, because the division makes me futile. Eventually, we will die off, because vacations are testers of the environment. The rocks and debris will stifled us, because my judgement serves me well. The flood wiped away the contempt of court forever, because the avalanche beat it down. I have never met a contempt of course I couldn't crush, because nature gets two votes from me. The material from the universe, grounded up into powder the contempt of court, because I'm a free man to escape victims charm. I escape the victims network, because I endorse nature to drown the wisest animal. The wisest creature caught up to meet the Lord already. Unfortunately, trouble is for nature to consume, because all of ours is gone for good. Any out is convinced back, because nature works fine. We are all doomed here, because the disaster will cover the trouble and even dismember it for spacial awareness. If the disaster strikes during my lifetime, then I'll be no different. People are nature's trouble, because we are so feeble. There are tons of attempts to flee, because nature will overtake us rest assured. There are no real chumps, because nature has it's way. All the plans went out the window, because I didn't come back. Then, I returned when they were on to something else, because nature made them look ruined. Nature took us a long time ago, because no idea has broad casted it. The land is for corruption, because the storm will over take us anyways. The rocks disturb the hearing for the elderly, because all form has disappeared. In the heap, they rip apart one another until rigamortis sets it. As it sets in, they get a little bit too sheepish, because of uncounted ballots for example. They refused to except what? After they are dead, the same hard life will exists, because the K29 will end it for sure. Are you forgetting nature? Are you wanting to fight fight it? I can't tell the difference between the Gentiles and the debris right now, because fertilizer they will make for produce. They are just unoccupied right now, because not strong is referendum. A Jerry curl doesn't make a Hispanic black, because each's contempt is under the rubble. They look horrible, because they shined on when the hurricanes came. On top of nature is just air, because there is no contempt of court where 100% dead are. Rotting flesh of all the those who thrive on saying contempt of court, because I dig the course of nature. Oxygen is only after dead folks who learned to judge were starved of it. It's not for those who judge me, because I took my first breath of it without them. It's goes like that, because of strength. Breathing it without them has been a blast. From the rubble, I don't look for any alive, because they would do the same to me. If I don't, I skip their dessert, a knuckle sandwich, because did they exist actually in a fossile record. This is where it's at, because I mince up all the possibilities of AdSense and it makes all the communion in God at least. Aside from the dangers involved here, there are superstitious abolished here with time and influence of any media out cry. 3PO out of 2×2 serves up a daunting task against NFL Defenses, because a Defensive coach made all the games close games know with the invention of The Wildcat. RPO, also known as Special Teams in The NFL is fantasy football update, because the Defense secures it with one interception here on WFMON. The clock doesn't stop on first down, because change of direction and forced rule changes rule out negotiations, so still cold on finding my Agent? The sticks are open usually, because ups are slant and go and hitch and go until man on man up. My Special Teams Defense is RPO 30 weight oil for a Ford engine so far, because the Cover 2 sign is always in Zone Defense. With two backs send one to the inside or middle backer, because the hand off is to the other.

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