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Updated: Jun 30

We are people. The rate of exchange is vital. At what rate do we exchange product for currency? The I.R.S. has all the figures. I exchange my products at x amount of time at y price M-F at 10am 2 pm and 5 pm. 3 times a day products on average are exchanged for money brought by the customer. Over 20 years the rate of exchange is about 2% of the time. We spend 2% of our time in the exchange. 2% of the time a business owner deposits money. 2% of the time the customer brings home the product. 2% of the time, the business owner is the customer and the customer is the business owner. 2%+2%=4%. We on average spend 4% of our lives with each other at the register in P.O.S.. All the youngest people upgrade your father's plan to mother's so they can upgrade a business. The business will thank you. They assist us. They are biodegradable. They cost money. We put them on. We wear them. We eat them. We inject them. We digest them. We paint with them. We give them as gifts for others. We tax deductible both ways. We squirt them. We war with them. We fling them. We talk about them. We buy them, trade, and sell them. We roll them up. We drive and smoke them. We are buried in them and ultimately become them. Now we can be cremated into a set of smooth stones sold as a product to our families. We inherit them. We drink them and sit in them. We hold and squeeze them. We hide a bury them. We are the product. We sell ourselves for money. We buy others for money. We build cities with them. We wear them around our necks. We rule with them. We ship them. We package and mass produce them. We tax them and steal them. We use them. We empty them. We try them. We give them a whirrel. We lie that we have them. We tell the truth that we don't have them. We sell them for a bargain. We run out of them. We investigate them. Some have ingredients. We shake them and sit on them. We put them on our skin. We search through them. We load them up. We take them down. We put labels on them. We develope them. We blow them up. We love and hate them. We have them in inventory. We sign up to exchange labor for pay to get them.

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