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If I get 1,000 visits per month for ten years, I would feel amazing. I'm thinking about 1,000 × 12 = 12,000 visitors, × 10 years = 12,000 visitors, × 10 years = 120,000 visitors in ten years, so the equation would look like [(1,000 × 12) × 10 =120,000. There is 120 months in 10 years, so 120,000 visitors ÷ 120 months = a mean of 1,000 visitors per month. Since the number of visitors per month was 1,000, there is no median, and there is no number that occurs more frequently than another number, so there is no mode. I ran into a number theory here, so if I keep the data like this, I will not improve, and that is the conclusion that I derived from a flat plan of attack in business. It is not good to have these numbers, because you wouldn't want to work hard to stay the same, so I'll help you try to pump up the sales and analytics that you'll be accustomed to if I hire you. The analytics are useful when someone has calculated a clear plan for your future success that involves you not working yourself to death. I calculated that you weren't going to go without me, because that's my service to you. I can dictate exactly where you want to go by rectifying the economy. We learned that free subscriptions are an emergency tool, because time with a coach matters now that we know. Knowing is half the battle. Going into this, I didn't count on improving as a coach and mentor, but I did. I can do this and you can also, because we care for the world, so I'm triggered like yourselves, to autonomously improve. Yes, you can try, try again in business, because it seems like the visitors may be nervous about being sold. If I show you the numbers, then there's a 50% greater chance of connection in the media, so I'm pleased to analyze the data for you and news is not good. A more lively aggregate would be nice, like a mixture of numbers around 1,000 visitors to 2,000 visitors, for example, so I must accept my destiny for now. I want the data realistic and I also want the median and mode. The next ten years, I can be solid in showing more consideration for others. Why would a number be more common than a set of numbers? What would be the purpose of recognizing the middle number or the average of the two middle-most numbers in an aggregate? My graph would not look upward, but it would look flat, like a horizon at 1,000 visitors starting and ending, so I want to increase my expectations for the company. Now, if I start with 1,000 visitors per month and end with 2,000 visitors per month, then I have accumulated a steady increase per month, but no dip in the market by my calculations. Wanting to get better means calculating way better numbers than the ones you have now. My chart shows a gradual climb, that is not flat, nor dipping in performance. I have a better future than I did yesterday, so if I hypothetically use you as an example, for you can visualize it and now you can conceptualize it, plus learn how the professionals make a living.

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