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Wireless Earphones

Sweet project for hearing things just a little bit better. Good morning people. Easy listening is for people who get in trouble for listening to much. When the people get in trouble for playing their music, they are sold a package of these. They come in my favorite color also, this emerald metallic green. Wireless earphones have made it easy to hear music without tangling up with wires that always disconnects. They come in this fine carrying case. The things will make you blush, because they are so different. What do you do when you vote that your order has been taken to shuffle this off? What do you do when you have heard all the bells and whistles? What's next for dancing while easy listening? It looks like it's just not being tangled up in them. I have enjoyed a pair before, but nothing like this and every little one wanted to get my attention when I wore them. They couldn't stay away at all. I felt important. Did they think someone fashionably ignored them? Either way, I think these double checked for Christmas. My generation uses these to get by.

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