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15 Days Squat Challenge

  • 15 zile
  • 20 de
Toți participanții care au finalizat toți pașii vor primi o insignă la încheierea programului.


Squats are one of the best ways to strengthen your hips, abs, quadriceps and hamstrings. Better yet, you can do them anywhere, anytime. The challenge consists of 5 exercises that make up one set. You will start off slowly completing 25 reps total, working your way up to as many as 150 reps on day 15. No equipment is required. However, if you’d like to increase the intensity you may add free weights or a band around your thighs for the exercises. If it is too challenging for you, use a wall or chair for support

De asemenea, te poți alătura acestui program prin intermediul aplicației mobile. Accesează aplicația


Pro, 50.000,00 USD

Discuții de grup

Acest program este conectat la un grup. Vei fi adăugat odată ce te înscrii în program.



Private2 membri


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