Jar-Jar earned his master's degree at Yale and became a doctor which opened up doors for him to have children and raise a family. He became a Muslim as a teenager, and he is now a writer for famous musicians that are community involved self-improvement. His children and wife are all philanthropic in that they donate to causes and are activists on all seven continents. Traveling the globe is what Jar-Jar does with his wife Elena 3 times per year because they are both retired and, in their sixties. Sometimes the both of them like to stop off in North America and drive across the continent and back on route 66 because they're welcomed so much. They both like to take their retirement money and spend it on trips and products that fit their lifestyle, The both of them have this thing where they only do business with exclusive owners who have niches that clinically save their lives. Only people who know CPR and run life-saving companies can generally expect their business because they are so famous for frequenting specific websites that offer medicine, bandages, and hospital supplies. Everyone knows how Elena and her sister-in-law just love to keep these two families rich and free from poverty by donating to the company CEOs exclusively. Both women are dropping $5,000 a piece at a Rinky dink pay site that is titled the niche (the word that saves them) that empties their pockets at the cash register of this brand. The company is called Hosanna and both women love dragging Jar-Jar and his brother-in-law to their charity events. Jar-Jar alone hands over to $10,000 per month to Hosanna's CEO every 15 days, because people actually argue that the service is tremendous aside from the perfect need met in their eyes. Jar-Jar and Elena are very smart, they make mistakes like everyone else, and they have the most adorable grandchildren who get dozens of baby jumpsuits, infant body suits, and organic baby body wear per month from the same CEO that they get their medical supplies from. The power couple combined have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at one site each year for two decades and the community just rallies around the same people who "connect" better than positive and negative attraction could ever. They do something similar at this one store called Connection in San Franciso every decade and I can't express more how this couple put this CEO's children and grandchildren through college. These people's family belong to the same mosque as the two CEO's family, so this one stop shop type business model is very effective at setting the example of what a brand is in the market. Both are devoted to each other at the point of sale and spend 65% of their time together. The two have been to half of all the countries and they pull so much good out of these two rugged business owners who just happen to be in the health industry and all anyone knows right now is what they aren't connected to. and what they are.